Begin range
End range
Analyse tempo
Track beats

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AudSync The Docs revision: 123
SpaceStart/Stop playback.
After stopping the cursor returns to the start position.
Shift-Space (playing)Stop playback.
After stopping the cursor remains where it is.
Shift-Space (stopped)The cursor returns to the start position.
ArrowRight →Move beat cursor to the next beat
ArrowLeft ←Move beat cursor to the previous beat
Delete/BackspaceDelete the selected beat
iInsert a new beat before the selected beat
(half way the previous beat)
Shift-ArrowRightMove selected beat 0.1 second to the right
Shift-ArrowLeftMove selected beat 0.1 second to the left
Cntl-ArrowRightMove selected area 0.1 second to the right
Cntl-ArrowLeftMove selected area 0.1 second to the left
zUndo last edit operation
(track button, move, insert, delete beat)
yRedo last edit operation
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Click in graphSets cursor and highlight on a beat
Shift-Click in graph(on a beat line) Sets Begin range
Cntl-Click in graph(on a beat line) Sets End range
Drag in graphSets both Begin- and End range
Shift-Drag in graphExtends the range (drag should overlap one of the ends)
Cntl-Drag in graphShrinks the range (drag should overlap one of the ends)