
	* Revision: 203
	- loopmarks from a preload were displayed incorrectly when an initial title
	svg is present


	* Revision: 202
	- more lenient preload detection (for exported preloads from audsync)
	- allow for initial title svg without music.


	* Revision: 201
	- initial-scale bug


	* Revision: 200
	- make compile scripts compatible with python3


	* Revision: 199
	- position the player at the start of a loop
	- also position the cursor there
	- when starting the html player with the player controls remove the focus from
	the player


	* Revision: 198
	- bug: no initial scrolling for large window height
	- added links to audsync for first two examples (index.html)


	* Revision: 197
	- make compilescript similar to the one for follow.js
	- make scale computation similar to the one in follow.js


	* Revision: 196
	- bug: array check in scale computation
	- changed test for extra bar line at start of a staff (eoln -> soln)
	- updated the translation of percussion maps (perc2map)


	* Revision: 195
	- updated the docs with the new short cut keys (space, arrows)
	- do not use timeupdate event anymore, but our own timer (dummyplayer)
	timeupdate is much too slow (250ms) for the note cursor


	* Revision: 194
	- readme changes


	* Revision: 193
	- accept a playlist when opened with the browse button.


	* Revision: 192
	- better positioning of media when a start time is given in the options
	- implementation of a playlist


	* Revision: 191
	- added measure numbers (option mnum of xml2abc-js) at the start of each


	* Revision: 190
	- new key shorcuts: spacebar (play/pause), arrow left and arrow right (move


	* Revision: 189
	- use CSS parameter scroll-behavior for smooth scrolling, when supported.
	- otherwise fall back to jquery animation
	- perform both horizontal and vertical scrolling in separate function

	* Revision: 188
	- use function parameter noAnim in stead of class variable this.noAnim


	* Revision: 187
	- bug: set the y-offset of the dotted line when loading a preload file
	- bug: set default values for newer options not present in older preload files


	* Revision: 186
	- scrolling to the next music line is animated (smooth scroll)
	- setline can scroll with or without animation
	- alignCursor gets parameter to disable animation
	- msc_resize and lijn_shift always disable animation

	* Revision: 185
	- moved all logic to draw, scroll and align the measure/note cursor to one
	function (alignCursor).
	- invalidate isvgPrev to force insertion of note cursors into the currenr
	music line (in alignCursor)

	* Revision: 184
	- add white space area below score for better dotted line scrolling
	- simpler calculation of bottom y-coordinate of score
	- force setline and redraw cursor in centerPlayer (called when window resized)