2025-02-05 * Revision: 154 - follow probable bug in Musescore: hide accidental when alteration is defined in a key-step element, even if an explicit accidental element is present. When the key is defined by a <fifths> element the accidental is not hidden when the same alteration is in the key! 2025-01-31 * Revision: 153 - better order for translation of accidental/alteration - add "%%MIDI temperamentequal 53" to the output when file has edo53 accidentals - another list(map(...)) bug for python3 (when translating tablature) 2025-01-29 * Revision: 152 - translation of microtone accidentals using nine comma's per octave (EDO 53) and %%MIDI temperamentequal 53 - remove option --nonat again 2025-01-21 * Revision: 151 - also store key-alter values, and correct them for non-standards values as encountered in xml files of the SimbTr collection. - remember the staff of alterations as an ABC voice may switch staff - option --nonat avoids forced naturals, when alter element is missing for a note that follows the same but altered note. This avoids a bug in Finale and MuseScore, where alter elements are never saved for non-traditional alterations) - the nonat option also follows the traditional accidental rules for non- traditional key signatures - do not let the <accidental> take precedence over the <alter> when option nonat is present *and* pitch-alter equals value from the accidental (this is for xml files from SimbTr collection) 2025-01-20 * Revision: 150 - added --nonat option for non-traditional accidentals. (for Finale and MuseScore xml that save no or wrong <alter> values for most non-traditional accidentals) 2025-01-19 * Revision: 149 - translation of non-traditional key signatures * Revision: 148 - translation of quarter-flat, flat-up and sharp-down - bug in perc2map for py3: transform map object to proper list 2024-06-05 * Revision: 147 - corrected a boolean test to get rid of another deprecation warning in python 3.12 (again no changes needed in xml2abc-js, because javascript maintains backwards compatility, in sharp constrast to python) 2024-05-02 * Revision: 146 - corrected escape sequences that caused deprecation warnings (and syntax warnings as of python 3.12) 2023-03-29 * Revision: 145 - added function vertaal() as an interface when xml2abc is used as a library - the info function stores diagnostic messages in a global list and only writes these messages so stderr when xml2abc is run as main program 2023-02-18 * Revision: 144 - updated tabDrumDoc.html - handle start and stop of wavy-line on a single note - put stop of wavy-line after the ABC note 2021-04-12 * Revision: 143 - percmap translation changed (option -t) The %%voicemap line now comes after %%MIDI lines (if any) 2020-07-23 * Revision: 142 - merged patch from Martin Tarenskeen with corrections for Python3 2020-07-19 * Revision: 141 - check for a MuseScore bug, where the xml export file can get lots of incorrect <backup> or <forward> elements with a duration of less than a 1/64 note. This happens with 7 and 9 tuples. - discard the above mentioned incorrect elements 2020-05-27 * Revision: 140 - layout change 2019-05-20 * Revision: 139 - generate !trem1!...!trem4! decorations in stead of !-/!...!-////! when options.t is given. 2019-05-15 * Revision: 138 - allow for different xml <divisions> values per measure. previously only one <divisions> value per part was honoured. (reported by David Webber) 2019-05-11 * Revision: 137 - better parsing of the xml part-list - better rounding compatibility with javascript version 2019-05-10 * Revision: 136 - changed license to LGPL 2019-01-10 * Revision: 135 - new option --stems: translate MusicXML stem elements A change in stem direction outputs [I:stemdir ..] with the new direction. Changes are determined per voice.