Test Graph, Demonstrates simple geometric forms with different edge weights.
Planar Test Graph, A simple graph with 3 clusters.
Faculty Departments, A graph of project relations between various departments. The edge weight is the number of projects on which departments collabotate.
RWS workshop 1, A graph with department relations. The edge weights represent the kind of relation between the departments. Only two relations are drawn: Inspection (weak; weight=4) and Transaction (strong; weight=9). The colours represent the clustering of departments as preferred by the organisation.
RWS workshop 1, Same graph as above but all nodes labled with meaningful descriptions (supported by Graphviz only).
RWS workshop 2, A graph with department relations
KV545 note graph, All top-note transitions in Mozarts sonata KV545. The numbers are midi-numbers (60=C). The scale of C emerges in the center of the graph. (60-62-64-65-67-69-71)
KV545 chord graph, Chord transitions of an anaylsis of KV545. Cmaj-Gmaj-Fmaj contract to the centre of the graph.
Mondschein-1 chords, Chord transitions of part 1 of the Monschein Sonata
Musical Neighbours, Graph represents neightbour relations from a sample (91) of Last.Fm users. Each node is connected to its closest neighbours in the sense of musical taste. Colours represent musical taste.
Musical Similarity, The same 91 users as the previous graph. Edge weights represent a similartiy measure between users. Similarity is computed from the correspondence of "most played artists" between two users.
Centrality Best, A small graph where the centrality measure results in the most intuitive clustering
Format demo 1, Graph with html-formatting (supported by Graphviz only).
Format demo 2, Graph with html-formatting (supported by Graphviz only).